
Energy supply

Energy supply

The energy demand of the module houses and external plants (e.g. aquaponics) is continuously secured autonomously by combined technologies. Preferably, the energy management is realized in a dedicated energy container.

- HCPV Photovoltaics

- Wind energy 

- Heat pumps

- Solar energy

Some systems in concentrator photovoltaics are operated with active cooling, so that thermal energy can be used in addition to electrical energy (CPV-T systems). Overall efficiencies of more than 75% have already been realized in CPV-T systems. CPV systems are best suited to sunny and dry locations.

There, drinking water is often obtained by desalination plants (see under Water management). Therefore, a combination of the CPV-T and desalination systems is ideal.

Modular solutions are offered for the storage of excess energy via batteries or other innovative options (fuel cells).

Energy container

There are mainly 2 types of energy generators managed in the energy container:

- Solar system
- Wind turbines

The solar system charges the batteries directly via the associated PV control (PV = photovoltaic). This plant generates direct current (DC). The controller can regulate the feed-in or charging process automatically or manually. Likewise the feed can be interrupted or switched off. The wind turbines generate alternating current (AC). Each wind turbine has its own controller and load resistor.

The generators of the wind turbines feed into their respective regulator, which rectifies the voltage and outputs it to the batteries via a regulated load resistor. This is necessary because, due to the rotational speed of the rotors, too high a voltage can be generated, which is therefore also too high for the charging process. The load resistors regulate the output voltage per wind turbine and compensate all voltage values above the limit voltage. The regulated output voltage then charges the batteries directly. These are usually lead-acid batteries. The size of the battery pack is adapted to the sum of the energy generators.

self-sufficient water supply

While we can last up to 30-40 days without food, we can only survive for 3-4 days without water. The collection of rainwater and the use of wastewater tanks with biofilters allow for a much more efficient use of water.

However, there are numerous regions on earth - especially in Africa, of course - where potable freshwater supplies are difficult to access and people will do anything to get hold of water. Seawater or brackish water, on the other hand, is available in almost unlimited quantities. However, consumption in large quantities is dangerous because the high salt content leads to dehydration. A distillation apparatus is sufficient to desalinate small quantities of water, but more suitable technologies are needed for larger quantities.

Mit Photovoltaik betriebene Umkehrosmose- und Kondensationssysteme kommen als autarke Lösungen für die Meer- und Brackwasser-Entsalzung auf abgelegenen Inseln oder in dezentralen Siedlungsgebieten zum Einsatz. Diese Systeme können in Inselnetzen mit einem hohen Anteil erneuerbarer Energien als flexible Last wirken und damit Batterien ersetzen.
Photovoltaic-powered reverse osmosis and condensation systems are used as self-sufficient solutions for seawater and brackish water desalination on remote islands or in decentralized settlement areas. These systems can act as a flexible load in island grids with a high share of renewable energy, replacing batteries. In remote areas, ultrafiltration systems electrified with offgrid PV systems can be used to purify surface and groundwater. This makes fresh water available even in regions with poor infrastructure. By using renewable energy for drinking water production, global desalination capacities can be increased in the medium to long term without increasing CO2 emissions.

Our modular solutions for water self-sufficiency

Membrane distillation plants

Membrane distillation plants are used for the desalination of seawater for drinking water production. The plants are insensitive to salt and corrosion, have very low electrical energy requirements and also operate, for example, with low-value waste heat as drive energy. They produce very pure water and are highly flexible and dynamic in operation. We use some of the electrical energy of the CPV system to drive the pumps of a reverse osmosis desalination system. The thermal energy of the CPV-T system is used in a second stage of the membrane distillation desalination process. In this way, valuable drinking water can be efficiently provided from salt water. Translated with (free version)

Bei einer Aufbereitung von Brackwasser durch Umkehrosmose kann eine sehr hohe Ausbeuterate von 80% erreicht werden.
When treating brackish water by reverse osmosis, a very high recovery rate of 80% can be achieved.In the membrane distillation, the thermal energy generated in the CPV-T system is used. Only about 25% of the electrical energy generated in the CPV system is used to operate the desalination systems. Thus, additional usable electrical energy is obtained.

Condensation plant

Small to medium sized condensing units are suitable for decentralized drinking water treatment (up to approx. 100 liters per day), such as:

- Small consumers (individual households)
- hotels and vacation resorts
- small settlements with their own water supply
- production of distilled water or drinking water for small or medium-sized enterprises

Water container

Also for the water management we recommend a separate water container, in which according to your realization wish and budget the appropriate module technologies are set up ready integrated.

Similar to the energy container, the water container is also a technological collection unit that can be equipped with the necessary modules for complete water treatment according to your configuration requirements. The modular design also allows for later modification within the container, should the application conditions expand or change.

ecological food production -AQUAPONIK-

self-sufficient food production

Certainly, a completely self-sufficient food production is not wanted by everyone. Nevertheless, this is - in terms of self-sufficiency and sustainability - another pioneering step. 

If some of the food in the households themselves is grown organically, this can indirectly help to further reduce global carbon dioxide emissions.

In our module concept, we have developed a modular, sea container-based aquaponics concept. Thus, "constantly fresh vegetables and fish come to the table"!

For the establishment and realization of scalable aquaponics production, we work together with long-term experienced research partners and professionals!

Planning and concept graphic of an "Innovative Smart Living - Aquaponics Plant". The 40'sea containers serve as technical rooms, workshops, storage and sales room.

"Barsche und Basilikum" - voll integrierte Aquaponik-Anlagen

Aquaponics is not only a sustainable concept for plant and fish farming! Aquaponics is resource-saving nutrient-rich circular economy. Climate-friendly, water-saving and environmentally friendly: Aquaponics is the future of your self-sufficient food production!

How does aquaponics work?

Die Aquaponik macht sich die Vorteile von kombinierter Pflanzenaufzucht im Wasser (Hydroponik) und der Fischzucht (Aquakulturen) zu eigen und kombiniert sie zu einem Kreislauf, der sich selbst antreibt.
Aquaponics takes the advantages of combined plant growing in water (hydroponics) and fish farming (aquaculture) and combines them into a cycle that is self-propelled. For aquaculture, high water quality must be ensured so that the fish do not get sick. For hydroponics, it is important that the plants have enough nutrients to grow quickly. The recirculating model of aquaponics practically solves these two challenges by itself. Water is pumped from the fish tank, along with the excrement, into the plant tank. Here, the water is purified by bacteria that convert the ammonium contained in the fish excrement into nitrate. The nitrate is absorbed as a nutrient by the plants. The clean water flows back into the fish tank in the final step. 

Simply ingenious!

The closed loop of aquaponics at a glance

Benefits for food production and the environment

The result is an almost emission-free ecological cycle that produces fish and vegetables and can easily outperform products from the supermarket. Suitable plants are, for example, cucumbers, chilies and basil. 

Less space and significantly less water is needed for cultivation. For one kilo of tomatoes, only about 35 liters of water are used. In conventional agriculture, it is up to 180 liters.

Other advantages are that it is no longer necessary to add fertilizer. There is no need to weed and there is no fear of slug infestation. For the environment, it should be emphasized that the closed system means that no nitrate pollutes rivers or groundwater.

Vertical and urban farming are a serious alternative to conventional agriculture

For food self-sufficiency, we plan, build, monitor and maintain your plant with long-time specialized aquaponics partners! Whether hobbyist or food producer - as different are your requirements, as different are the solutions.

